American mini-Wal-mart Pharmacy chain Walgreens continues to rubber stamp their retail stores all across the American landscape. Clearly Walgreens is a major benefactor of America's penchant for pill popping but that's another post altogether. The bottom line is that Walgreens is building an awful lot of flat roof space throughout the country.
TreeHugger reports that Denver based ImagineIt is working with Walgreens to install roof top solar electricity systems on 114 facilities in California and New Jersey. The goal is for each system to generate upto half of the power needs for each facility. While in California it's saving electricity costs but in other parts of the empirecountry Walgreens may be interested in controlling their heating costs.
As energy costs rise and solar system costs drop this is a trend to watch as rooftop real estate proliferates across the country.
TreeHugger: Walgreens Installs Solar Panels on 114 Facilities
Digital Paper Signs: Adjustable Pricing at Walgreens
Another Use for The Roof: Advertise on Google Maps
Technorati Tags: B2C, eco-friendly, gas prices, Green, green design, retail, Solar Panels, Solar Power, TreeHugger, trend, Walgreens, Walmart