Urban and even suburban Americans may be ready to embrace rental bicycle programs as a way to reduce their dependence on gasoline. In Chicago there's talk of another fare rate increase for taxicabs based on fuel costs. These rates are getting painfully high. Combine high fuel costs with increasing scarcity of affordable street parking and vehicle use in the city is impractical at best. Perhaps the American cities are ready for a workable bicycle rental program.
Wired News repots on a successful program at work in France. Technology to keep bikes in working order and to prevent theft are keys to a sustainable program.
Theft is not a problem for Vélo'v. Users must submit their credit-card information to become a subscriber. They also pay a 150 euro ($180) deposit, either by check or credit card pre-authorization. If a subscriber keeps the bike for more than 24 hours, the deposit is cashed.
Technology helps, too, and Lyon's distinctive silver and red bicycles are packed with it. Attempts to steal bikes from a rack set off an alarm, while a built-in lock secures bikes during rentals.
Motion sensors turn on a red taillight when the bike comes to a stop. A microchip exchanges information with electronic bike racks, identifying the bike, the subscriber and when it was rented and returned. Bikes even have sensors that check the brakes, lights, tire pressure and gears every time they are parked. If there's a problem, the station won't rent the bike.
A control center keeps track of the data, sending out mechanics or a shuttle to move bikes from one station to another as needed. The bikes are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, though currently weekday rush hours see the greatest demand, indicating that people are using the service to commute. On weekends, there's a 2 a.m. rush.
Funding for this system is supplemented by a bus shelter advertising contract. Is America ready for innovative programs like this? Many will say it would never work because Americans love their cars but without the option of good cheap alternatives who is to say. It's an idea to watch.
Wired News on Rental Bicysles
Technorati Tags: bike rental, taxi, car, gas prices, technology, bicycle, taxicab, France, cab