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Joan Schwartz

Well, this is a croc. I and my friends and family never get tired of Nate. He is so cute, smart, personable and very helpful. I happen to know about women and decorating and I only wish there had been a Nate on TV back when I was a homemaker with 4 small children and one of the things I could do was rearrange the furniture. I also painted the walls. There was no Nate or Nancy Golden (his mom) I love him and God bless Oprah for having him on when she does. What do you know?


I think the term you used, "jumped the shark" does not match what you are trying to say. Jumping the Shark means that generally when a show has run out of ideas, and is dying in the ratings, they come up with something totally outrageous and unrealistic(i.e. Happy Days, When Fonzie waterskied over the shark, hence the term).

And yes, you are right, it was rather boring.

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