Judging by my traffic logs thousands of you are interested in knowing the latest on Asian Tsunami survivor Nate Berkus. Known as "Oprah's Darling Decorator" Berkus was in Sri Lanka vacationing with a friend. Relatives of that friend now have a blog to track efforts to locate him.
Update: Read Nate Berkus: Jumped the Shark?
Like many others I am so saddened by the aftermath of the Tsunami. I wish all those searching for thier loved ones, my heart felt prayers. If I had the means to be there and help I would be there in a heartbeat. My heart aches for those who are suffering.
Posted by: Terrie Mathis | Monday, January 03, 2005 at 05:15 PM
Why don't you find something creative to do with your time like donate to the tsunami funds
Posted by: Sharla | Monday, January 03, 2005 at 07:10 PM
You don't think providing a relevant link to information people are seeking is creative?
Visiting the site I linked to may in fact inspire people to contribute to the relief effort. I hope they will.
Posted by: peter | Monday, January 03, 2005 at 08:30 PM
i had no knowledge of nate berkus until i read guy trebay's brief article in this week's new york times fashion section. now i'm kind of obsessed with the story of him and fernando. i'm new to this whole blog thing. i have to wonder however what sharia's doing on a site like this if all she's concerned about it tsunami aid. why can't you be both interested in the outcome of a story such as nate's and fernando's AND support the relief effort? some of us are interested in both. i'm mostly interested in the celebrity angle of this story, and how the public is capitvated by stories such as nate's. interestingly for many people, his involvement in this disaster puts a recognizable and personal face on the tragedy and will probably spark them to reach out in monetary and prayerful ways.
anyhow, in my quest for information on the final chapter of this story—will fernando be found or will he be consigned to history as a casualty of a disaster that he never anticipated happening when he boarded a plane with his lover for an exotic vacation—i'll be back for more commentary.
Posted by: mike | Thursday, January 06, 2005 at 11:18 AM
I'm puzzled why the media downplays the relationship between Nate and Fernando by calling them "friends". Nate and Fernando are very openly a couple. They are partners. They are spouses. And instead of having a romantic vacation, the person Nate loves most on earth disapears in the Tsunami. How devestating for him.
Posted by: Tony Leckey | Monday, January 10, 2005 at 03:15 PM
i dont really know too much about Nate, we dont get a lot of new Oprah eps in Oz, but from what I have seen he is lovely & I am very sad for him losing Fernando....
Posted by: aussie | Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 06:52 AM
What a terrible, terrible tragedy to happen to anyone. I just heard about Nate and Fernando now. I have watched Oprah and Nate for years. Nate will be on Oprah tomorrow or Monday. That is how I heard what happened. Nate must be devestated! I don't know the full story yet, however I will research it shortly. If you email Nate, he is reading every single email he receives.
Whether they are "friends" or "spouses", it doesn't matter. He has lost a dear loved one close to his heart. My heart goes out to Nate and I pray that they do find Fernando.
Posted by: Laura | Thursday, January 13, 2005 at 03:50 PM
Nate's "friend" is labeled as a friend b/c that's what Nate called him in a CNN interview. See quote below.
BTW, if I lost my wife and I labeled her as my "friend" (instead of spouse), she'd kill me.
"The Oprah Winfrey Show's resident interior designer Nate Berkus was among the survivors of this weekend's devastating tidal waves in Asia, which killed more than 22,000 people. "All of a sudden the roof was ripped off the cottage and my friend and I were taken out to sea," Berkus told CNN from Sri Lanka. "We were able to hang onto a telephone pole with a mattress wedged between us for literally 30 seconds. There was a calm in the storm and then another wave hit. Both of us were torn away from the phone pole." His friend, photographer Fernando Bengoechea, remains missing."
Posted by: Paul Krikor | Saturday, January 15, 2005 at 02:08 PM
First, for all the naysayers, I've already donated to the relief effort (and hopefully will again in the future [currently unemployed] - they'll need money for decades to come).
Re: Paul's quote - yes, you're right, you wouldn't get away with the term "friend" with your wife, but let's face it, society still judges gays and hates to think of them as loving, dedicated couples, therefore many feel they have to soften certain terms - especially when they're in the public eye.
My heart sinks for Nate and Fernando's family and anyone who lost a loved one. Its just imaginable to have them literally ripped from your arms. I watched Oprah today with Nate and he's now pretty much resigned that Fernando perished after the 2nd or 3rd wave hit.
I'm not religious, but to me, if there's ever been a sign to humanity that this is the time for the entire world to drop the crap and come together this is it folks.
Posted by: Cathie | Monday, January 17, 2005 at 05:39 PM
I have watched for weeks since heard of Nate and Fernado. Yes, there is a reason for him being here today. My prayer for him is that he has and will make great the positive and survied so much. His smile, holding a hand will always be remembered. His tears are not alone as today my tears flowed as he lost so much. My best to him and for all those that he has touched their lives. Hugs to him, Sandy from Wichita Falls, Texas.
Posted by: sandy | Monday, January 17, 2005 at 06:30 PM
Dear Nate,
I've seen you on Oprah Winfrey many times and admired your talent. A while ago, it really shocked me to see you lost your partner to Tsunami. I know exactly how you are feeling right now because I lost my dad and 2 siblinngs all in the same year when I was 5 years old. I know that it is hard for you but please hang in there. You are a very sweet and strong person. I know you can get through this. With the time and support from family and friends and from those who love you will help you get through this also.
God bless you, Nate.
Love Christina
Posted by: Christina Youk | Monday, January 17, 2005 at 07:10 PM
I saw Oprah yesterday too and my heart sank for Nate too. What a wonderful person he is. I can't even imagine how I would feel if my lover was sucked out of my arms. My heart and prayers are with you Nate and I hope they find Fernando and that he is alright. stay strong my friend.
Posted by: David | Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 09:12 AM
I saw Oprah yesterday and I counldn't believe it. I couldn't stop crying for Nate. That is a horrible tragedy to lose your spouse; and yes I said spouse. These guys were like a married couple and very much in love. Nate, I love you man!
Posted by: Brad | Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 02:55 PM
Nate, I am sorry for you and your loss... your here for a reason my friend... if you read this please check out can-do.org, I am heading out to Shi Lanka to build an orphanage/school in a week or two... I would love to find out, and I will once I get there, if we could build it on "the hill"
Again, I am sorry for your loss...stay stong brother...
[email protected]
[email protected]
Posted by: Eric Klein | Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 05:44 PM
Nate, I am sorry for you and your loss... you're here for a reason my friend... if you read this please check out www.can-do.org, I am heading out to Sri Lanka to build an orphanage/school in a week or two... I will find out once I get there, if we can build it on "the hill".
Again, I am sorry for your loss...stay strong brother...
[email protected]
[email protected]
Posted by: Eric Klein | Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 06:06 PM
Dear Nate.........My deepest sympathy for your loss. I watched on Oprah yesterday and I and my partner were deeply moved. Your love for Fernando is apparent. Through this tragedy, you and Fernando have shown a human face to all about how deep,meaningful and loving a partnership can be....for this I thank you. My prayers are with you and for Fernando. Blessings, Joe
Posted by: Joe | Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 06:10 PM
Nate, I am sorry for you and your loss... you're here for a reason my friend... if you read this please check out www.can-do.org, I am heading out to Sri Lanka to build an orphanage/school in a week or two... I will find out once I get there, if we can build it on "the hill".
Again, I am sorry for your loss...stay strong brother...
[email protected]
[email protected]
Posted by: Eric Klein | Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 06:20 PM
The sadness in your eyes is so intense. I am sorry for your loss. I think about you and always know that there are many people around you that are smiling upon you.
I wish peace, serenity and happiness for you.
Posted by: Anna | Wednesday, January 19, 2005 at 06:56 PM
dear nate.please read conversation with god and may-be it will change or get a little easier with time it changed my whole life. i now understand.if any questions feel free to call.514 867-1126
Posted by: tom andrianopolous | Tuesday, January 25, 2005 at 04:09 PM
Hi to every one,special to the victims of Tsunami disaster and everyone that his sufering about anything at this moment!I`m really sorry about my english but i`m portuguese, but i now that this problem will not be a problem to you understand that i`m with all my heart with you.I saw the oprah show recently and i just want to say Nate that i am with you in my prayers, and i know that fernando will always take care of you up in the skys, and you never forget him because he will never left out your heart.
If you can rought to me i would stay with a very big smille,but if that is not possible i will stay in same because i`m glade for existing a lot of big souls and Angel`s.
kisses Diliana
Um beijo Diliana
Posted by: Diliana Fonseca | Tuesday, September 20, 2005 at 05:17 PM
hi, am ESRA'A from kuwait
i wish that someone can help me ..
i wanna nate berkus's e-mail ..
so , if anybody have it can you please
send it in mY email: [email protected]
Posted by: ESRA'A | Wednesday, October 05, 2005 at 07:32 AM
hi nate, i'm very sorry for your loss.i think it is difficult for so many of us to comprehend the kind of pain you went through during that time. You gonna heal and the beautiful time you had together will always put a smile on your face. One more thing i know you have a beautiful heart which is shown by your work and whenever i watch your work on Oprah i cant help it but cry.Gob bless you
Posted by: Pet | Friday, November 25, 2005 at 05:15 AM
Dear Nate,
I know that its a little bit late for this email, but i am truly sorry for your loss, i know how you feel because my partner died a couple of years ago and it was very hard for me to cope with it after wards, but hang in in there, i wish there is anything that i can do to help, at this time i am studying interior design only because i was inspired by your work and i truly look up to you. But i am afraid i wont be staying around for long because i am a cancer patient, i dont know how long will it be before i am gone, my only dream was to meet you in person and i will be travelling to chicago in the summer so if i was lucky , you will be available there. I hope that your doing fine , alot of people out there love you and always pray for you, you are a great person, everybody wishes you all the best . If you read this email please try to email me back if you had the time for it my email is [email protected].
Posted by: Noor | Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 06:41 AM
Hi Nate,
My name is Kami. I live in ventura County. I am so sorry about your loss. I know what your feeling, I lost 4 members of my family in a mudslide. Mechelle 37, Hannah 10, Raven 6, and Poloma 2. Our family has been devistated. I am very worried about my brother Jimmie Wallet. He is having a hard time coping with his loss. To loss the love of his life, and his 3 daughters is overwhelming. He is having a hard time with everyday life, and lives in a daise. Maybe if he could talk to you it would help.
I wonder if you can help me make a dream come true for him? Extreme makeover home edition has said they would build him a home, all We need is land. Since he lost all in the mudslide, and it is not safe to build in La Conchita, I have been trying to get someone to donate land. I don't know what else to do anymore. I can't bring his Girls back, so this is the only thing I know to do for him. Please help..
Thanks for your time,
Kami Villa (Wallet)
Posted by: Kami Villa (Wallet) | Wednesday, February 01, 2006 at 06:29 PM
hi Nate,
my name is shifad and I'm from the maldives one of the Tsunami hit country (next to srilanks)I'm a suvivor too so i know how hard it is.i was lucky didn't lost any one from my family and friend.and I'm sorry for u r loss.I'm sure many people dont undestand how terrible it was which i cry everytime when i remeber the day .......
I wish u all the best
god bless you
Posted by: shepphard | Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 05:27 PM