I am NOT a pet person but I know many who are. Just as advancing technology enhances the quality of life for humans it can also be applied to the dirty, smelly, noisy, irritating life of your chosen autonomous nonhuman oxygen wasting user.
VarmitAnimal maintenance is the first focus for technological enhancements. We've all seen the robotic litter boxes for cats. near near future points to the Thirst Alert water dish that features LED warning lights on the rim to alert the inattentive human caretaker that the dish is dry. Word is that there is a new version coming that will be able to text message and email caretakers when the food or water has run dry.
As cheap sensor, network and communications technology becomes pervasive. New applications will change how we live our lives.
Aw, Peter, how couldja? Call my little kitty and my dog varmints? Don'tcha know pets teach kids responsiblility, that they offer seniors companionship, and that the world is judged by how we humans treat animals? I expect you do... and that you're one of those who just don't get it when it comes to little furry creatures. That's okay, there's more of us than of you. And your writing makes up for it!
Posted by: Yvonne DiVita | Saturday, October 09, 2004 at 05:53 PM