I've got a lot of good stuff over at my other blog BeConnected. Here's a TOC of sorts. Feel free to work the links and back button.
Going Customer Centric
Big Box retailer Best Buy adapts to be more customer centric.
Big Picture
An overview of email newsletters and blogs as marketing communications.
Email and Doctors
Doctors and patients are beginning to see the benefits of communicating by email.
Wrangling the Blogsphere
Link to an overview of Blogshere tools.
Tip Blogs Help Keep Customers Informed
How Kodak reaches out to customers of Ofoto.com.
Know Who Your Customers Are
Thinking about treating customers the same regardless of the context they are in.
Gates on RSS
Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates on the importance of RSS technology.
Sony Sees the Gap Closing
Electronics maker Sony sees shifts in how consumers find product information.
Advertising: Missing the Relationship
Search engine marketing is missing the opportunity to build customer relationships.
Feed Me
A link to a useful Business travel Blog.
Consider McDonald's
Considering the customer intuition challenge of consumer giant McDonald's.
Building Referrals
Developing an expectation of delighted referrals into business relationships.
Farming vs. Hunting
Building trust and referrals by looking out for the customers best interest.
Eight Things
Using technology efficiently to gain time for customer relationships.
Lead Me
A case in point for the importance of a detailed lead nurturing program.
18 Year Old Lessons in Communications
A new generation and new tools are changing the playing field for marketing communications.
Work Different - Observing Millennial Work Habits
Three work habits of the millennial generation and how they are changing the workplace.
Tips for Developing Customer Evangelists
Five tips for developing enthusiastic customers who will spread the word about your business.
Tips for Jumpstarting Your Corporate Blog
Five uses for a corporate blog.
Resources for PowerPoint Users
A link to a huge list of online resources to help improve use of the presentation software PowerPoint.
Weather, Weather Everywhere
Know that weather effects both the sales and the lives of your customers.
The Power of Email Community
Presidential candidate announces vice presidential running mate via email to community of supporters.
Bells and Whistles or Relationship Tools?
Understanding and using advanced cell phone features to build business relationships.
At BeConnected we're looking at developing customer intuition. Check it out.