Duke University is making a huge move towards integrating desired technology into the education process. In probably what is a "can't beat them, join them" kind of move they have announced a program to equip 1,650 incoming freshman with Apple iPods. Stated to be free to students it's hard to imagine that the cost isn't buried somewhere in the $39,240 a year for tuition, fees, room and board.
The university plans to pre-load the popular devices with orientation information, calendars etc. Academic use will include audio recording of lectures, audiobooks and other yet to be determined uses i.e. cheating.
From a marketing perspective this is genius on the part of Apple by getting their devices out there. It's also a smart move on the part of Duke. The devices become the Free Prize for choosing Duke. They are smart to select a product that is so popular with it's audience. Had they picked IPaqs I don't think it would have been as successful from a marketing standpoint. It also gives the University a test bed to study the role of widespread technology use in the academic environment.
Imagine if Apple had included the much desired WiFi connectivity into the iPod. The academic uses would be huge.
Thanks for bringing us this article - what a cool idea.
Posted by: Paul (from Brand Autopsy) | Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 12:50 AM
Cool blog entry and news.
Being a Duke alum myself -- and knowing I went to school with much more than a handful of sons and daughters of millionaires, influential leaders, and current/former Fortune 500 executives -- I feel compelled to offer my two cents:
Most well-heeled potential Duke students probably already own an Apple iPOD. Do they really need two?
Posted by: little k | Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 12:23 PM
You make a good point which I considered. The model the students will receive will be the new recently released model that comes preloaded with Duke goodies. Expect to see E-bay all atwitter with displaced freshman Duker pods.
Posted by: Peter Davidson | Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 01:42 PM