Are you ready for the world of signs and billboards to change? The advent of technology like digital ink creates new opportunities for advertisers. Expect to see billboards and other signage becoming more like radio and television with the ability to "program" content. Imagine the billboards along commuter routes carrying B2B messages during the morning commute and restaurant, grocery and TV promos for the drive home. Sound far fetched? Too Minority Report like?
That's exactly what Clear Channel is planning? Is this an effective new way to reach potential consumers or just an addition to message clutter?
With Clear Channel having a majority of the Airwaves here in Denver I suspect we'll see lots of these billboards. I've often wondered why the Mall's don't have electronic billboards rather than the static billboard displays. There is certainly a cost and ROI feature that should be an incentive to the companies that do ads.
Posted by: Paul W. Swansen | Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 11:46 AM