As is my custom here from time to time I like to call to your attention people, resources and products that I like and think make good sense in the digital world of marketing and communications. Today I had the pleasure of meeting Todd Smart and learning more about his company Betuitive Marketing LLC. In a time when companies of all sizes are seeking new ways to establish relationships with new prospects, inform and educate prospects and customers and increase revenues from new and existing customer relationships many are turning to e-zine or email newsletter publishing. While powerful, e-zine publishing is hard work. Betuitive provides not only high quality backend technical bits including impressive tracking capability but the content and design work as well.
If you are a part of a marketing or web development team tasked with creating a high quality weekly, biweekly or monthly e-zine checkout their site, sign-up for their e-zine and learn how they can provide you with top quality e-zine publishing that will build your business. They do all the work you do all the looking good.