I have received good feedback for my post with new ideas for Starbucks.
Here's another Idea for Starbucks:
MicroFiction- While this is already popular on mobile phones in Japan, I would suggest an old fashion ink on paper version for Starbucks. Imagine a serialized novella that you receive in installments each day with your Starbucks purchase. A few pages to read while you sip your coffee. This could be done as a periodic special two week long promotion. By synchronizing release of the installments huge buzz and suspense could be developed. Customers would be anxious to return each day for the next installment. The print on paper versions could also include special "micro coupons" say for 25-50 cents off the next day's purchase to encourage participation. In order to cut down on people freely sharing their installments each days installment would have to be turned back in to redeem the micro coupon.
If the idea catches on the concept could be tied to the purchase card system. Readers could customize their novels by selecting choices and supplying character info on a website. The modular novel could be custom printed(or emailed) in chunks on demand when customers make purchases using their cards.
While some of my ideas for Starbucks are costly and challenging to implement, the potential of micro fiction publishing could be as interesting and productive for Starbucks as their plans to offer custom music CDs.
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