While America struggles to keep abreast of things this post Superbowl week, today's Oprah show once again features America's new favorite interior designer Nate Berkus. I've written about Nate Berkus before. Oprah fans can't seem to get enough of the man. I've speculated before about his future personality brand potential. I think what we've seen on today's show is a testing of the direction Nate and the Oprah producers would like to see for the Nate Berkus brand. While past episodes have featured Nate decorating viewer's homes with products from Wal-Mart and Home Depot, today's show presents a much more upscale look. Part of it is simply the $500,000 budget for the one bedroom loft redo. It just seems so produced. There was no mention of why this particular engaged couple was selected for the romantic makeover. It wasn't even clear that they were fans of the show. I think what was really going on here is a careful selection by the producers to pick a young urban hip couple who started with a quintessential style savvy bachelor pad ripe for a modern redo. While this couple seemed atypical of Oprah viewers, they seem very much the kind of people with the kind of space that appeals to and showcases Nate Berkus and his signature style. Nate's work is classic contemporary. It's not mid-America suburban tract home. I think we are really seeing the beginnings of the Nate Berkus brand.
Notice that when they did showcase a more typical suburban home bedroom, complete with baby-boomer inhabitants, they featured a different designer. I think Nate is finished with clutter clogged master bedroom makeovers. At least for now.
Update: Read Nate Berkus: Jumped the Shark?
Nate is a aquaintness of mine professionally.i havent seen him in over a year,however the last time i talked with him he was on his cell boarding a plane to milan italy as a guest to the D/g party.he is talented and a great guy.he is a natural!as a designer my self i have all the confidence he has arrived!!
he is connected and has the best support " pr "in the buisness.i live in grandrapids mi and have been told we are alot a like in style and personality.i feel honored to even be considered in his company.i commend nate and support all of his spirit.sincerly,Rock kauffman
Posted by: Rock Kauffman | Friday, June 11, 2004 at 12:31 AM
nate is HOT!
Posted by: Lisa | Sunday, June 13, 2004 at 08:55 PM
Nate is a classic nice guy that knows his stuff.
I recently became a fan! While his design(s) are great, I also have found myself dressing very Nateesque. Great easy style and no fuss dressing. He's one of the few guys (aside from myself) that looks good in just a tee! While I'm sure his clothes,shoes etc. are out of my budget range I find many look-a-likes at Target and less pricey deparment store chains. The reason they pass is, I buy classic styles with a good fit.
Does Nate have a BF?
I like his pulled together look.
Posted by: Enrique | Monday, June 28, 2004 at 02:39 PM
I think that Nate is a very nice and i love his work!
Posted by: angela | Friday, July 09, 2004 at 04:41 AM
i have seen the designs nate did in the oprah show and it is evident in his works how he articulates scale, rhythmn, lines etc. from an almost-no-hope case into a very appealing look. he is not limited to the subjects around him rather makes a more profound sense of designing by making use of some of the furnitures that can be recycled. go nate, make the best of the talent that you have!
Posted by: mae | Thursday, September 02, 2004 at 10:01 AM
no nate does not have a bf because he is saving himself to marry me. hands off he's mine.
Posted by: rw | Friday, September 10, 2004 at 10:28 PM
I think Nate is definitely working with Oprah on much more than just combed cotton..ok? OK!
All I can say is the following:
I have over 14+ years of experience and lots of satisfied clients............I am all about classic contemporary..and do not talk with with a lisp.
Posted by: B. Smith Designs | Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 11:27 PM
Nate and his mate
I'm happy Nate survived the tsunami, but why did't you come out of the closet and tell Oprah that Fernando was your lover. It made me so mad!
How are we to make any progress if you can't be honest about something as basic as that. And Oprah, how about having some non-white tsunami victims?
Posted by: BJ Murphy | Wednesday, January 19, 2005 at 08:53 PM
I just read some of the notes above about Nate. I actually agree with most all of the comments. I have been in the design business for 25 years.. I have been gay for over 40 years. I saw him on the Oprah show sometime back, before the tsunami.. I thought.. hummm little cutie Nate is as gay as a goose!! and how nice it is to have an unlimited budget to re-do homes. I to have had unlimited budgets from time to time.. and anyone with a grain can do well. I hope Nate finds his "ass" with both hands , drags himself back down to earth and realizes that he is lucky to have a few breaks, like Oprah. We all wish that. Being humble is a virtue, which I finally saw from his Tsunami show on Oprah. I hope it continues.. He is lucky he is cute.. with that and large sums of $$ from clients.. he needs to appreciate it.. and realize if he was not.. as cute and as well placed by Oprah.. he would just be one of the other millions of designers who do good to excellent work.
Posted by: Jim | Monday, January 24, 2005 at 04:33 PM
To the above comment...I think Oprah knows that Nate is gay. When she kept referring to Fernando as Nate's partner and seeing how torn up he was about the missing Fernando, its obvious to anyone that Nate is queerer than a $3 bill. Why state the obvious? Why be in your face about it? He wasn't hiding his orientation, but neither was he putting it in people's face. It was tasteful, how it was handled. People are intelligent enough to figure it out without having it spelled out for them. If anyone needs someone to blatantly say what their orientation is, then they really need to get a life!
Posted by: Nick | Tuesday, January 25, 2005 at 05:06 PM
I'm very surprised when i read some of the above comments. Is it jealousy?? Is it: 'i do so, so he should do so too?' Why does he has to come forward if he's gay?? Nowadays being gay isn't about making a statement. You are or you aren't...so what?! He's also a talented designer. I think it isn't about the looks...look at Dr.Phil, the man is bold and oh so populair. Nate knows his skills. And that's what it's all about.
I'm very angry to read the remark: "Being humble is a virtue, which I finally saw from his Tsunami show on Oprah. I hope it continues..etc. etc."
Who are you to make such a comment?? So you have to experience a disaster to be humble?! I think and know Nate is a humble, decent and appreciative human being. Before and after the 'Tsunami' disaster. That remark lits a red light. Do you really understand what Nate has been through??? I don't think so or else you wouldn't have made that remark.
Nate is a grate person with a great personality. And i feel so sorry for him for what he has been through, also the other victims of the Tsunami. The disaster, the chaos around him, losing his partner, not knowing where he is.
I wish Nate all the best. Strength, courage and hope.
You're in my prayers.
Posted by: iekje | Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 11:23 PM
NATE IS SOOOOO HOT!!!! holy!!! is he actually gay though? do people no that for sure?
Posted by: Sarah | Wednesday, May 25, 2005 at 03:41 PM
Nate is so hot, nate is very handsome and cutest ,,,
I love his personality and his work...
Posted by: lolitta | Monday, June 13, 2005 at 04:51 AM
I remember seeing him for the first time on Oprah. Yes, his attractive looks firstly captivated me, but as the show moved on, I realised how much he was like me or I was like him- personal taste, profession, mannerisms and personal maintenance. I knew he was gay- it was like looking in the mirror. That was before it was publicized that he was gay.
Now, in my own personal life, I'm sure that people speculate about my sexuality but it has never really mattered to them which is comforting. To me (about being gay), it isn't compassion, pity, understanding that is important, it is normality. Being treated the same as anyone else without a second thought about it.
All this publicity around Nate's sexuality annoys me because I don't understand why people would rather talk about that than the tragedy faced. I wonder if the world will be free from double standards.
Posted by: Marc | Friday, July 08, 2005 at 01:35 AM
i am shume from bangladesh.iam 23 girl. i saw nateberkus & his desing. he is the greatest designer i ever seen.
Posted by: shume | Sunday, September 11, 2005 at 01:50 PM
where can I found Nate Berkus sheet for bed and etc, TYou, Louise M
Posted by: Louise Mookerjee | Monday, October 10, 2005 at 04:30 PM
Fortunately, Oprah's shows are daily broadcasted over here (in Holland) and i have been following almost every single one but i gotta say that the ones with makeovers, lifestyles and homedecorations are my favorites! Especially when Nate is cos he's one of my favorite people (both as a person as well as a decorator). Indeed a very touching show about Nate's personal tragedy of the tsunami. May he find the strength, courage and hope to carry on!
One of his biggest fans!
Posted by: Joe | Thursday, October 20, 2005 at 09:34 AM
nate is not only hot but a great designer, i love his new line from linen n things. ITs no ones business if he is gay or not.
Posted by: claudia | Saturday, January 07, 2006 at 08:01 PM
I wish I could have been born a Nate Berkus. He is talented, good looking and successful. He had a beautiful partner and knows Oprah personally. Yes, he has been lucky. He will never suffer I don't think although it just shows you that with all his money and power, he couldn't save his bf's life. As envious as what I am of Nate and his life, I sometimes think being an ordinary Joe makes life a little easier. Well done Nate for being who you are. Darron
Posted by: Darron Sehayek | Friday, December 29, 2006 at 01:39 AM
Oprah should tell us why she is promoting gay people; Oprah's makeup artist Reggie, hair stylist Ander, and Nate all are GAY. Please tell us clearly why are you doing that? Oprah is Christian and she qoutes the bible so much, why cant she see that Homosexulity is an ABOMINATION. Please do not treat the bible like a supermarket - get the whole truth. What I know for sure: is that Oprah understands that children are luared into sexual abuse - what I want her to know for sure, is the same strategy is used with Homosexulity - you are drawn little by little.
Posted by: Vic | Wednesday, August 08, 2007 at 09:47 AM
I’ve never any pity for conceited people, because I think they carry their comfort about with them
Posted by: Air Jordans | Monday, November 01, 2010 at 02:12 AM
To dress up a simple expressive folk tune in the trappings of a symphony is to degrade !
Posted by: Jordans shoes | Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 08:03 PM