I've chronicled the death of Kodak here and here. Now comes word that Kodak has developed kiosks that will develop film in five minutes and then print user selected images. The Picture Maker Film Processing Station can also print digital images.
The bad news: This will further erode Kodak's business.
-Established photo developers will have to dump their expensive one hour set ups. Those slow to do so will be passed by new venues that add these kinds of kiosks. If Kodak end runs it's established partners they will look for alternative partners. Kodak broadens it's market presence at the cost of new shallow relationships.
-By replacing in-place one hour development equipment this technology will cost jobs and alienate potential customers.
-Training customers to use a kiosk will move them towards an all digital photography solution that avoids the film development step and cost.
-Competition will drive down margins on machine supplies.
-Portable devices that can take and share photos (i.e. camera phones) are changing the appetite for printed hard copy photos. Wearable displays coming soon will accelerate this shift.
When film disappears and all kodak has left is digital photography can they possibly compete? They need to be looking for something else to do. Film based brands are the buggy whips of the 21st Century.