Regular visitors to Thinking know that I have an Aluminum Obsession. I love Airstream trailers. They are cool from a design standpoint and they represent freedom. As noted in the earlier piece, Airstream has begun producing a line of their iconic trailers that have modern hip interiors. This line, however, carries a significant entry-level price tag. Said to be $38,000. This price point isn't low enough to attract young active outdoor enthusiasts who will become the future devotees of Airstream. A fresh concept is needed.
A regular reader of Thinking brought the new Airstream Base Camp to my attention. A concept vehicle that is being shown at various industry trade events around the country.
Clearly Airstream is confronting their marketing challenge head-on. They realize that their existing products are popular among a certain psychographic that has the interest, time and resources to enjoy luxury travel trailer touring. They also realize that the world is changing and that they can innovate, hibernate or exterminate. Or change, wither or die.
They can choose to innovate and actively respond to the changing demographics and psychographics of today's markets. This new hybrid trailer/tent camping appears to be aimed squarely at the emerging generations of outdoor lifestyle enthusiasts who spend weekends mountain biking, surfing, hiking or attending events like the X-games or Burning Man. This multipurpose concept includes the flexibility to be configured for camping or support for motorcycles, four-wheelers, snowmobiles or marketing events like flea markets or art fairs.
Most important is the ability to be towed by cars or small SUVs. Even the smallest conventional Airstream trailers require significant towing vehicles. A critical consideration when appealing to younger vehicle poor buyers.
For more on Airstream seeAluminum Obsession and Aluminum Obsession III.
I agree with you mostly, bt what I disagree with is your claim that the vintage airstream requires significant towing power. There is photographic evidence of a man towing a mid-size (read about 20 foot, if not more) classic trailer with an eighteen-speed bicycle.
As long as airstream creates trailers that keep in the tradition of light structures that are well-balanced over the axle, towing power is not a real problem. Most airstreams are towed by cars anyway, except the massive land yachts. The real issue is advertising and price management, the rest should come naturally.
Posted by: Frank | Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 02:03 AM
I have been looking for the perfect trailer for my new retirement life. But it's hard. I did not want a large, expensive, unwieldy RV or large trailer. But what I DID want was something I could take on the road economically for 6 to 7 days at a time.
And it had to have room to tote 1 or 2 vintage motocross racing bikes.
The Base CVamp looks to be perfect, but I have the feeling that it will never be fully developed, or at best, just for the Euro market.
Hope you can influence the airstream folks.
Posted by: rusty brashear | Sunday, September 24, 2006 at 09:37 AM
He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortune
Posted by: Cheap Jordans | Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 08:08 PM
Posted by: Air Jordans | Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 12:12 AM
No offense, but if there's a facebook like button, it'll be much easier for me to share.
Posted by: elliptical reviews | Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at 10:42 PM