This story reports that bankrupt air carrier Air Canada is reducing the number of lemon and lime slices it stocks on flights as a cost cutting move reportedly worth $40,000C.
This is another incident of incrementalism in lieu of innovation. Companies all over do this everyday. They look to squeeze costs out of their product or service hoping to continue a no longer plausible reality in a changed world. When the world changes products and services need to change also. When an airline realizes it can no longer offer it's product or service in a profitable way the goal must be reinvention not just minor tweaks and cost cutting. Reexamine the entire offering not just a small portion of it. Air Canada needs to reinvent itself as a Canadian airline. By just cost cutting they are doomed to be just a shadow of what once was and that is a vulnerable thing to be. Competitors can sweep in and provide something new and innovative that will attract people rather than disappoint them.